June 17, 2009

A Boy and his….Parrot? (1 Comment)

Filed under: Chickens,HP,Personalities,Photos — The Spider Herself @ 2:42 pm

The Boy and Polly

June 8, 2009

Horses and Bears (2 Comments)

Filed under: KJ,Personalities,Photos — The Spider Herself @ 2:53 pm

Pink Hat Girl

Pixie and I were walking along, hand in hand when she said “Papa is thinking of getting me a horse.”

Oh really?

I later asked him about this and he can’t remember the conversation but leave it to Miss Literal to not miss anything.

“Yes, so I can ride in the parade.”

I see.

“I want to be a bear in the parade.”

My mind pictures a cute little brown bear costumed Pixie on top of a horse in a parade. Why does she need a horse for that? She could just walk. Her little voice interrupts my vision of her in a bear costume walking the parade route.

“I don’t mean a costume…”

Can she read minds?

“I want to have a flag and be a flag bear on a horse.”

May 27, 2009

It Had to Happen…. (5 Comments)

Filed under: Photos,TG — The Spider Herself @ 1:19 pm

One of these days, I just knew, it was going to happen.

Sunshine scissors

One of the kids would experiment with cutting their hair, specifically their bangs. The Boy, being the oldest, was scissor challenged because I would hardly let him touch the things. I drilled into him “Scissors cut paper! Never hair!”

I thought I was still being diligent about keeping the scissors out of reach. There was the one little incident when Pixie cut a bit of her hair but it was in the long portion and easily hid. I renewed by efforts of scissor banishment and on we went.

But then, with the girls being more interested in crafts than their brother ever was, the scissors came down and were left out in the open. So very tempting. Calling her name, I’m sure.

So she took them, hid, threw away the evidence and hoped no one would notice.

Sunshine bangs

Umm, yeah. Not noticeable at all.

So I trimmed it all up; at least she left a bit, it wasn’t cut at scalp level.

*Note: I am behind in my postings (you didn’t notice that it was pretty quiet around here, did you?) This happened in April but I had to put it up. You can see in her birthday shot how things are growing out. I will continue to post some things that have happened and try to catch us up as well as insert some newer things.*

****Note to Editor: I bravely used a semi-colon. I hope I didn’t cause you a heart attack as it’s probably improper usage. *****

May 23, 2009

Five (3 Comments)

Filed under: Personalities,Photos,TG — The Spider Herself @ 4:36 pm

For the third and last time we have a five year old.



May 6, 2009

The Cake (0 Comments)

Filed under: HP,In the Kitchen,Photos — The Spider Herself @ 1:40 pm

We had friends over on Saturday to help celebrate The Boy. He had wanted mint chocolate chip ice cream cake so being Julia Child in disguise I whipped one right up. Snort. Internet recipes- what a blessing!

I took the cake out a few minutes before we needed it so that is would soften up and be ready to cut. But then this happened-

Melting Cake

I don’t know if the freezer door hadn’t been closed all the way the last time I was in it or if I lost track of time time and had it out too long. I also think the ice cream was a brand that was particularly soft. But whatever the reason, it was melting and melting fast. So I snapped a few photos and we cut it up. It wasn’t until we had some on Monday, the true birthday, that we put candles on it. It looked a bit worse for wear.

Cake and Candles

But The Boy didn’t seem to mind.

The Boy and Cake

Blowing candles

It sure tasted good though.

May 4, 2009

Nine (4 Comments)

Filed under: HP — The Spider Herself @ 10:26 am


Cool Dude

April 21, 2009

The Tree Incident (2 Comments)

Filed under: Life,Personalities — The Spider Herself @ 12:42 pm

After the evening performance of the Living Last Supper at Church a week ago the kids were playing outside. Apparently a tree leaped in front of the running Boy and then wouldn’t move. Nasty tree!

Tree Damage

Lots of scrapes on the Boy but he seems to be fine. His face gets lots of attention. We tell people that they should see the tree!

April 2, 2009

Pink! (2 Comments)

Filed under: Personalities,Photos,TG — The Spider Herself @ 2:38 pm

Hold on to your hats! It’s not who you think.

Pretty in Pink

Miss Sunshine decided to wear pink to church. Her sister decided on her standard fare anymore and wore blue jeans.

Miss Sunshine

And before you think it’s too funny…

Laughing sunshine

Miss Sunshine reverted back to type quickly.

Sunshine in blue

March 26, 2009

The Tortilla Maker (3 Comments)

Filed under: In the Kitchen,KJ,Personalities,Photos — The Spider Herself @ 12:41 pm

I was rushing to get dinner cooked and trying to think of a side dish while talking to a friend of mine on the phone. She commented that she was making tortillas for dinner. Aha! thought I. I had some tortilla mix that I had bought awhile back at a store but hadn’t made any yet because there were not instructions (it was a bulk item) as to how much water to put in. I decided to just start adding some until it seemed the right consistency. I was feeling a bit stressed as The Girls crowded into the kitchen telling me vitally important stuff. Pixie asked to help.

No, I’m in a hurry.

She pulled up a chair to watch me anyway. You know, a little girl on a chair can sure impede the traffic flow but I held my tongue and tried to keep moving. She watched me take a bit of dough, put a bit of flour on the tortilla press, push down on the lever and peel off the tortilla before throwing it into a pan to cook. She asked if she could push down on it.

Oh, all right! I reluctantly said. But hurry!

She did that fine and we put the tortilla on the skillet. I rolled another ball and put it in the press then went off to tend something else. She pressed it.

Pixie pressing tortilla

Then peeled it off. I rolled the dough into the right sized balls for her and she took over. She put flour on the press, put in the ball of dough, pressed it and peeled it off.

Peeling the Tortilla off

I felt bad for being grumpy. Pixie ended up being a big help and was pleased that she was able to make the tortillas for dinner. They may not have been perfectly round, I wasn’t getting them that way either, but they tasted good.

Tortillas frying

We’ll have to make more sometime.

March 21, 2009

Extreme Hairstyles (3 Comments)

Filed under: KJ,Personalities,Photos,TG — The Spider Herself @ 12:02 pm

It’s a new show! Catch it right here! Here is a sneak preview of the new sport- Extreme Hairstyles!!!!

First you brush the hair.

Brushing Pixie\'s hair

Notice the Hairstylist already has her hair in an Extreme Style.

Then the clips are put in.

Putting in Clips

And even MORE clips! How far will she go? How many clips can one head hold?

More clips

The finished Extreme Style.

Front View

Side view, to get the full effect.

Side view

Then the Extreme Hairstylist can rejoice in her creation.


And that ends another sneak preview of the exciting new show Extreme Hairstyles! Tune in next time to see even more wild and crazy styles!