Way back when, when I was actually writing blog posts, I wrote a story about The Dog keeping an eye on the Chickens.
Well, he is still at it. With new charges.
Click on the Thumbnails for full size photos.
Yes, we have chicks. Someday I will have to tell you all about the On Going, Continuing, Never Ending Chicken Saga. ( I hope I wasn’t too redundant there.)
“Don’t worry, Mom, I have it all under control.”

Keeping a close eye out.
“You talkin’ to me, Son?”

“Hey! Don’t peck me!”
(He is actually playing with them here but they don’t seem to get it. Dumb birds anyway.)
I feel much better about The Dog watching over the chicks then I do this guy.

We had the Little Chicks outside in the pen one day. Most stayed in their box but one was out exploring. He had someone keeping a pretty close eye on him.

The Dog made sure the ones in the box were doing fine too.

He was very attentive to his little, self appointed, charge.
The Dog still likes to go out and check on all the chickens. He’ll watch the Littles when they hide in their corner of the pen. Sometimes he’ll get pretty excited and chase them out- just to see them scatter. He’ll try to help round them up when they are out in the yard.
Want him to come baby sit for you?

(Click to enlarge and see her shoes.)
She has her googles on to be safe!
But maybe these two were better helpers.

What do you think?
My husband is very considerate. He is always thinking of me, putting my interests forward and striving to do the things that make me happy. Therefore, he was very concerned that I would feel the Empty Nest, the Chicken- less kitchen, severely. He didn’t want me to go through that trauma so suddenly. Ever thinking of me, he brought these home for me…. and my kitchen.

There are ten Black Australorps. They are a breed that originally came from Austrailia. They cheep with an Aussie accent. They were a day old when they entered my kitchen.

The little guy in the corner, upside down is just sleeping. They were so little they could get inside the feeder and would sometimes just fall asleep in there. The white one is a Polish something that apparently doesn’t come from Poland but from Norway. I am very confused about his decent. HIs accent is very confused. It’s a fun one in that it’s feathers on it’s head will grow really long and floppy.
I no longer have a fowl-less kitchen. A crisis was averted.

Discussing important things.

Typical teenage response- I’m outta here!

A new home! A bigger box.

It’s asleep atop its water.
First there was one.

Then there were four.

In the end, in a larger box, there were nine roosting on the edge. I don’t have a picture of that. Poor dears were running out of room.
The biggest challenge since getting the chicks has been to keep the kids from loving them to death. They are constantly wanting to hold them. The chicks are so cute at this stage.

Miss Sunshine learning how to hold a chick.
Fourteen of them. We have since lost one. We don’t know if they are girls or boys yet- we’ll see what we get.
We have talked, off and on, about getting some chickens. This spring Col. Panic started searching through the internet for information about chickens and then brought some home.

Here are four Barred Rocks being placed in their new, temporary home.

Then more! This looks like a Rhode Island Red. It was hard getting good shots with all the heads getting in the way.

All set up with their feeder and water. Heat lamp to come.

Click to get a bigger picture. Everyone was fascinated watching the chicks.

All huddled together. It’s a new adventure we are embarking on.