June 8, 2009

Horses and Bears (2 Comments)

Filed under: KJ,Personalities,Photos — The Spider Herself @ 2:53 pm

Pink Hat Girl

Pixie and I were walking along, hand in hand when she said “Papa is thinking of getting me a horse.”

Oh really?

I later asked him about this and he can’t remember the conversation but leave it to Miss Literal to not miss anything.

“Yes, so I can ride in the parade.”

I see.

“I want to be a bear in the parade.”

My mind pictures a cute little brown bear costumed Pixie on top of a horse in a parade. Why does she need a horse for that? She could just walk. Her little voice interrupts my vision of her in a bear costume walking the parade route.

“I don’t mean a costume…”

Can she read minds?

“I want to have a flag and be a flag bear on a horse.”


  1. hahahahahahaha! that is classic, you can’t make up better stuff than that! I’m so glad you have this blog so that moments like this will always be remembered :~)

    Comment by Liesel — June 8, 2009 @ 5:31 pm

  2. Maybe she could be the leader for Stampede? … I continue to try to feature this, and she would be a very petite bear, and it would be adorable. I think I will imagine her on a paint.

    Comment by kn. — June 9, 2009 @ 6:34 am

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