December 12, 2010

The Social Dilemma (2 Comments)

Filed under: Life — The Spider Herself @ 5:17 pm

During the Holiday Season there are lots of occasions for Socially Inept people to make a fool of themselves.  In order to educate and, hopefully, decrease the chance of embarrassment, let’s discuss a situation and possible responses.  The Scene: A Social Situation i.e. a party.  Someone comments that you look nice and asks if you have lost weight.  You respond with:

A. A demur “Thank you” and smile discreetly.

B. “Yes, yes, I have lost weight” you loudly proclaim knowing full well that two pounds is statistically insignificant.

C. Proclaim loudly that you are wearing a gut constrictor.*

D. Both B and C (loudly)

Leave what you thought I answered with (because, really, this is all about me) and what you think is the best socially adept answer.

*I know, I know, it has a much less descriptive name but whether you call it Spandex, Shapers, Garters, or Corsets they all DO the same thing- constrict your guts.


  1. I would have to know who you were speaking to in order to make a better guess of your response. If it was someone you would consider an acquaintance then I believe you replied with answer A, “thank you”. If it were a friend (some of which I have in mind) then I would imagine it may have been D as you justify that although you had a gut constrictor on you also had lost weight (leaving out the amount since really they didn’t need to know and any weight loss is after all, weight loss).

    What would I have said, A all the way. Just agree and smile. =)

    Comment by Lindsey — December 12, 2010 @ 5:43 pm

  2. Um. From one S.I. person to another … the kind thing for me to do would be to not guess, right? Heh.

    A lady stopped me on the street the other day and asked me how I lost all that weight. Um, again. Well, mark my answer S.I. and also arithmetic-challenged.

    Three cheers for a blog post!!!

    Comment by kn. — December 12, 2010 @ 6:28 pm

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