March 23, 2009

New Faucet (2 Comments)

Filed under: In the Kitchen,Photos — The Spider Herself @ 12:14 pm

Once in awhile we get wild and crazy around here. It’s just who we are.

One day, we wandered around a Big City trying desperately to spend money and stimulate the economy but finding blockades at every turn; in desperation we turned to the home improvement box store knowing in our hearts that was the place to accomplish our mission. We emerged victorious! We were the proud owners of a new kitchen faucet.

The old:

Old Faucet

The place to push to make it spray was falling apart plus it wouldn’t pull out anymore because the hose part was broken.

The new:

New Faucet

It’s lovely. It’s really tall, which causes a little bit of splashing but it’s nice for getting things under it. It has a button to stop the flow of water which is nice for filling things not directly in the sink. The end can pull out and spray. On the left is a soap dispenser. So far, I really like it.


  1. A lovely new faucet AND a blooming cyclamen. What a deal!

    Comment by kn. — March 25, 2009 @ 4:40 am

  2. Is that what that is? Thanks, now I know the name of it. 🙂

    Comment by JustMe — April 16, 2009 @ 2:43 pm

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