November 11, 2008

And So It Begins (5 Comments)

Filed under: KJ,Life — The Spider Herself @ 5:02 pm

Golden Tree

I was in the nursery at church during Sunday School. Normally, I am not there during that time but one of the helpers was gone so I was conscripted. I had to work on the Church’s bills and therefore wasn’t much help, per say, just another adult in the room. One has to be so careful these days. Sigh.

Anyway, I was busy working on things, trying to keep my papers from being stepped on and scattered about when I tuned into a conversation.

Pixie is addressing her future husband: “Please put the seat up when you go pee because if you don’t it gets wet and then I might sit in it.”

Oh my. The nagging begins.


  1. Oh my! I hope he listens….of course I am assuming she has not changed her mind on who she wants to marry.

    Comment by Michelle Burcham — November 13, 2008 @ 11:40 am

  2. No, so far she hasn’t changed her mind although I am not hearing so much about it.
    But maybe he’ll see the nagging handwriting on the wall and run off to Cambodia or something.

    Comment by JustMe — November 13, 2008 @ 11:53 am

  3. You know, soon enough she’d be bugging him to put the seat back down, too.

    Comment by kn. — November 14, 2008 @ 10:19 am

  4. It’s the slippery slope of nagging. If it’s not one thing it’s another.

    Comment by JustMe — November 17, 2008 @ 8:07 pm

  5. Too funny!!

    I just realized I haven’t been getting your blog updates…sure enough, I wasn’t subscribed with my new email! Apparently all fixed now though…

    Hope all is well! 🙂

    (funny spam catcher words below: “firm Harriette”) 🙂

    Comment by Elizardbreath — January 2, 2009 @ 10:39 pm

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