August 11, 2008

Footwear- again (2 Comments)

Filed under: Personalities,Photos,TG — The Spider Herself @ 11:47 am

Yes, another post about footwear.

Not sandals, though.

Not involving the Fashion Queen.

It involves boots and how The Mother just can’t pack.

We arrived at The Grandparents with a large plastic tote in tow filled with footwear. Slippers, sandals, clogs, “strap on shoes” and one pair of boots. One would think that would be adequate for all our footwear needs. Teach One to think. I know, I know- I should give that up. I’m trying, really.

The one pair of boots belonged to The Boy- just in case he went out to do some work with Grandpa. The last day we were there it rained just a little. The Boy wanted to go out to the garden to pick some berries for our homeward trip. There was a little concern about mud so it was decided that he should wear his boots. These precious items were spotted by Little Miss Sunshine who promptly wanted hers, which were at home in a closet.

I promptly received a tongue lashing. How could I not bring them? She wanted them! Where were hers?

This nagging would crop up every now and again on the way home. She has a tendency to nag and not forget things.

After we arrived home there has been one choice in footwear, as far as she is concerned. She doesn’t care how hot it is outside or what fashion would dictate.


Ah, that we were all that confident in our footwear choices.


  1. Actually, i think she looks very fashionable. Haven’t you seen those fancy patterned rain boots? At least they are out and about here on the left coast (but of course only when its rainy). They are pretty cool. So I say she is right down hip!

    Comment by Liesel — August 11, 2008 @ 1:29 pm

  2. I guess I have seen those in magazines.
    That trend will not hit here for another year or two- at least.
    Of course, it hasn’t rained in over two months so whose to know?
    She is more fashion forward than I would have guessed.

    Comment by JustMe — August 12, 2008 @ 10:11 am

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