February 26, 2008

Spring? (3 Comments)

Filed under: Life — The Spider Herself @ 9:58 am

This has been the snowiest winter in memory (mine anyway, which isn’t saying much). I had inherited (such a nice, genteel way of saying “hand me downs”) some nice snow pants through the years that we have hardly used. The Boy grew out of them in no time with hardly any opportunities to wear them. For some reason when I was going through things to re-gift (how many euphemisms can I come up with?) I kept wanting to put them in the “share” pile and not the “futures” pile because I kept thinking that The Boy had outgrown them. Well, in case you haven’t noticed, we have more than one child. I swear, I am not blond! There was no reason the girls could not wear them also. So this winter when the snow was falling ever so frequently, I went in search of said snow pants that would fit The Girls ever so well. Not in with the winter stuff. Not in the Futures box. Hmmm. Search again. The Boy’s were easy to find but not the others. I didn’t really do the unthinkable and got rid of them, did I?

As you could see in my Trees post, there are robins around. When I go outside I hear the birds singing loudly and ever so often, when it’s actually quiet in the house, I can hear them in here too. All the snow piles have melted and it’s been in the 50’s. The sun has shined. My little heart goes pitter-patter at these signs. It sings that possibly, just maybe, spring might be approaching. But I also know, the true sign that spring has arrived will be when I find those snow pants!


  1. So true, so true! I can not count the times this past year that I have wished I didn’t get rid of some items when I last moved, or that I will go looking for something and finally remember I got rid of it in my attempt to reduce, declutter, and simplify. Darn it! I always get fickle and think I will no longer need or want that item, but then a year later…”Why did I get rid of that!”

    Even though you have been getting much more snow that us this year (we have only had a total of 5 inches so far, very low for us) I too see early signs of Spring. The most prominent being that our cats this past week have started to shed oh so slightly. That’s one sign I could do without!

    Comment by Liesel — February 26, 2008 @ 11:03 am

  2. Ah yes the illusive snow pants, you know that is what will happen! Spring will arrive and you will find those darn things…almost makes you regret “trying” to organize since you’d surely be able to find them if they were still in the shuffle of things right?

    I have done that same thing, thinking surely I’d remember where I put this thing and it appears to be gone for good and suddenly it reappears once said child it was meant for has just outgrown it!! HAHA

    Comment by Jules — February 26, 2008 @ 11:04 am

  3. Liesel- well, you had to pare things down quite a bit on that last move. It’s sometimes hard to anticipate what will be needed/wanted in situations like that. I keep reading that when a person de-clutters that they will hardly ever miss what they have let go. I wonder about that sometimes. Most of the things I have been getting rid of have been kids clothes/items that we don’t need anymore- I find that very, very freeing! There are more of that kind of thing that needs to go. I look at items that have been sitting unused for ages but I hang on to them because of WHO gave them to us. I need to move past that.

    Jules- I just hate it when I can NOT remember where I put something and that does happen sometimes after I have cleaned up an area and so the usual pile is not there to go through. I really think I gifted those snow pants to my cousins but I am embarrassed to ask.

    Comment by JustMe — February 26, 2008 @ 12:39 pm

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