February 8, 2008

Logical Illogic (6 Comments)

Filed under: Personalities,TG — The Spider Herself @ 7:20 pm

“We didn’t eat that apple because we want to eat it.”

Umm, yeah.

I’ve noticed both of the girls say very illogical things- KJ did it some when she was younger but not as much as TG.

The ones that get me rilled are the times I think she is lying or sassing. I will watch her do something and tell her not to do it and she’ll say:

“But I am not! I didn’t!”

Then I get upset because I saw her doing it. So I’ll say- I saw you doing it so you did do it!

To which she shrieks that she is not doing it! Ever try arguing with person with limited logic and vocabulary? It goes in circles.

I finally realized that she is not saying she didn’t do it but that she is stopping doing it….hopefully soon.

“When I am in second grade, I’ll be a boy.”

I hope not, dear. I think she gets this one because her brother (a boy!) is in second grade.

“I like it but I don’t” or the opposite “I don’t like it but I do!”

Wrap you head around that one.

Then the one that sums up the conflict that young ones are ever feeling-

“I’m little… but I’m big!”


  1. I can so relate! Too funny! I wish I could think of some of our comments floating around our house for that one.

    My kids say things like this….. “It hears like a train” instead of “It sounds like a train”.. HAHA


    Comment by Jules — February 9, 2008 @ 10:49 am

  2. LOL – That’s about as fun as me trying to figure out how to teach common sense. 🙂

    Comment by Audra Marie — February 9, 2008 @ 2:11 pm

  3. I’m still working on that one Audra. I really think you can’t teach it- sorry to discourage you, lol.

    We have comments like, “that was yesterday I liked it!” Oh the joys of the ever changing, growing mind! So much fun and yet very frustrating too!

    Comment by Lindsey — February 10, 2008 @ 3:22 pm

  4. That’s depressing, Lindsey. LOL

    I’ll have to develop a curriculum and become rich off of it. 😉

    Comment by Audra Marie — February 10, 2008 @ 5:17 pm

  5. I try the consequences curriculum for common sense- if you choose to wear shorts when it’s 30 below outside then you will get cold and because you didn’t listen to my sage advise you can’t whine to me! See what a kind, sensitive to my children’s needs Mother I am?

    Actually, it goes back to the Nothing to Wear post- if you don’t take care of your shoes then you lose them. She wore her pretty dress with tennis shoes to church today and she was NOT a happy camper.

    I wonder if any of it is sinking into that little brown bonnet?

    Comment by JustMe — February 10, 2008 @ 9:03 pm

  6. It sounds like you are being more proactive at teaching this than I am! That is my problem, I am hit or miss on the consequences. I tend to try to “protect” them instead of letting real life teach them their consequences. Boy will real life slap them in the face one of these days, lol.

    Comment by Lindsey — February 11, 2008 @ 7:30 am

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