January 29, 2008

Happy Anniversary! (3 Comments)

Filed under: Blog Stuff — The Spider Herself @ 9:47 am

Happy Anniversary Dear Blog!

It’s a year since I started blogging. I’ve only posted 170 times (with a few from Col. Panic thrown in). That’s not very active- only about 14 per month. I see several blogs that post multiple times a day- but I don’t have that much to say. I have increased my readership from 2 (Col. Panic and ever faithful Boo Boo) to 10, at least occasional, readers. Whoopee! The numbers astound! One complete stranger subscribed but it turned out to be a spammer. I read one blog that started just over a year ago and she has thousands of readers and hundreds of comments. I keep wondering if that is what I want and in reality, I don’t. I enjoy writing for my friends and family and don’t want this to turn into a “job” or a “have to” situation. It’s a record of our lives and what I am thinking about and that is good enough for me.

To celebrate my wonderful husband is taking me out tonight. Oh, O.K., it’s the regular weekly date night and it’s my turn on the rotation. It sounds better the other way.

But I am concerned about the blog’s content- when one is reduced to talking about the weather, is it all down hill from here?


  1. Do you think blogging is addictive? Reading them often is.

    Comment by kn. — January 30, 2008 @ 12:13 pm

  2. […] KN asked the other day if blogging was addictive because she is finding that reading them can be! (Hold on a second while I figure out how to link to a comment. Oh that wasn’t so hard.) Is “be” a preposition and did I just end a sentence with one? Gosh! The things one runs into with Bloggy Stuff. (A copy editor reads this and, I am sure, cringes at each post- but fortunately, I think she’s becoming addicted.) […]

    Pingback by Char’s Blog » Addictive? — January 31, 2008 @ 4:17 pm

  3. LOL – Happy Blog Anniversary. I should pay attention to my blog anniversaries I guess. I have so many i could party all year! hehehe

    Oh and it’s so nice that your hubby reads your blog. Mine, well, nope. Turkey.

    Comment by Audra Marie — February 5, 2008 @ 10:18 am

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