January 22, 2008

Highlights and she’s how old? (5 Comments)

Filed under: Life — The Spider Herself @ 11:41 am

I was in the Beauty Salon a few months ago getting my hair trimmed. I’ve been trying to keep up on this. I have a tendency to get it styled and then let it grow out and then a year and a half later do it again. But in keeping with my new outward “image”, I’ve done well with the maintenance this time around. Plus with these long bangs, it has to be cut frequently and I am under strict orders to not cut my bangs myself. (Shhh! Don’t tell! But once in awhile I break the rules.) Anyway, back to the Salon. I was sitting there watching the other people about me in the mirror when I noticed a young girl get a pop from the machine. I put her about 10ish. And then I noticed the foil in her light brown hair. For those of us who are hair challenged, this means she was getting highlights- or lighter streaks put into her hair. I hope my jaw didn’t hit the floor too loudly.

I suppose I shouldn’t be shocked. But I was. Of course, being the cheap frugal person I am, I kept wondering about the cost of getting it done and upkeep- for a 10 year old! Now, if she was in a position to pay for it herself then that would be a different situation. But I bet her Mom was paying for it. I cut my girls’ hair (and all the men’s too) but I can see a day when my Fashionista will want a “real” cut and I can see us paying for that but I don’t think we’d pay for “color”.

Am I showing my Conservative roots again? What do YOU think?


  1. Conservative or not, I’m thinking not until perhaps 9th grade. No sense in starting the teen behavior before its time. With the money and maintenance issue, I would think that few girls of 10 are really aware enough to keep on top of that (and on top of their moms to get the appointments and keep the money flowing).

    An alternative, perhaps? — A temporary color as, say, a birthday gift could be a resolution to “I want.” Temporary does mean darker, not lighter, but still.

    Watched part of a program on TLC about a mother who actively was promoting and seeking liposuction for her 13-year-old. (Hello? … oatmeal! salad!) In comparison, highlights aren’t so bad!

    Comment by kn. — January 24, 2008 @ 5:33 am

  2. Purple and bright pink are popular colors these days- and not just on kids!

    Besides the money issue, which is something I tend to get hyper about, there is the emphasis on looks. It’s difficult to teach our daughters that fine line of not looking frumpy but looking attractive without it being the most important, all consuming thing in their lives. Mix in appropriateness, modesty, comfort and health- so many things to think about. If we start them on highlights at 10, liposuction at 13… then where? Plastic surgery at 18? Being content in the body God gave us is much more healthy.

    Comment by JustMe — January 24, 2008 @ 10:22 am

  3. Now that I see the intent of your rhetoric …

    I think it’s a question of good stewardship. One may have to do some practical eating and exercise to find (and like) the body God gave her, for example, or get an expert’s help to coax the hair into being suitable and/or interesting. But it’s a question of stewardship — not desire, not vanity, not reluctance to accept change or healthy treatment.

    Explaining stewardship to a 10-year-old? Oh dear.

    Comment by kn. — January 25, 2008 @ 4:11 pm

  4. You so had me chuckling on this one…..I do the exact same thing! I go get an actual style and love it, the for some reason it never dawns on me to actually go have the style maintained, until I can’t figure out 1 year later why my hair jsut does not look as good when I try to make it look nice…….DUH! I mean really I must not be a high maintenance person or something, although I kinda want to be! HAHA

    Comment by Jules — February 2, 2008 @ 1:02 pm

  5. I made myself make appointments before I left each time so then it would be on the calendar. I didn’t make one this last time because she didn’t have a book that went far enough into the new year and I still haven’t made one. Up until now, maintenance has eluded me.

    I love the look of painted fingernails but have NEVER been able to keep it up. I am too cheap to pay someone to do it for me too. I think I’ll just try to keep up on my hair- tackle one maintenance issue at a time.

    Comment by JustMe — February 2, 2008 @ 3:12 pm

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