September 11, 2007

Parade (4 Comments)

Filed under: Life — The Spider Herself @ 8:22 am

We went to a parade in town on Saturday. The kids had been looking forward to it. Because of all the neat things that are in the parade, you ask? Because of the fire trucks, horses, old cars, and Native Americans in beautiful regalia? Silly you. No, it’s because many people hand out candy! Their supply was getting low. It’s a long stretch between Easter and now when they don’t have occasions to get candy and fill their stashes.

I am a mean Mommy in that I don’t let them gobble their candy down when they get it. I make them keep it in the pantry, in bags with their initials on it, and dole it out after they have eaten their lunch. They have come to expect it lately so it hasn’t happened as often.

Now their bags have some new stuff in them. A few more lollipops- which is a favorite. It should help them get through until our Church’s Harvest Party where they get the mother lode of candy supplies. It used to be they didn’t eat the chocolate as much, preferring the other candies so a little Mousey would come along and help get rid of it for them. Now, unfortunately for the Mousey, they have discovered the joys of chocolate. Isn’t it a shame?


  1. Oh, that is a sad day when the natives discover the meaning of chocolate! Guess the Mousey’s friend will have to send her some chocolate that is for Mousey only!

    Comment by lostgirl — September 11, 2007 @ 1:49 pm

  2. No! Mousey really doesn’t need her own stash. If she had her own then she would eat it. Then she would get FAT and a FAT Mousey is not very attractive or healthy. Hard to get through the little hole if she is FAT and then one of the natives would catch her! And want her to share. Evil natives.

    Comment by JustMe — September 11, 2007 @ 8:25 pm

  3. That bag-initials-pantry thing … now, that’s an idea to remember.

    Comment by kn. — September 12, 2007 @ 11:41 am

  4. Until they figure out they can sneak in there and get some. Which they did and therefore were banned from candy for awhile. But on the good side, the girls learned to recognize the letters that their names start with early on. Don’t know any other letters but they know three of them!

    Comment by JustMe — September 12, 2007 @ 3:52 pm

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