July 10, 2007

Navigation (0 Comments)

Filed under: Life — The Spider Herself @ 9:41 pm

“No, I don’t know where that is!” I said with stress creeping into my voice. I haven’t lived in the area for 15 years why do people think I remember where things are? Besides, I have never known that specific area very well.

I also am not blessed with a good sense of direction. I have troubles figuring out which is my right and which is my left. (Oops, it’s my OTHER left!) I remember a time when our Boss on Harvest was telling me how to get into a field using North, West, etc. He looked at me, I looked at him and then he got down and drew me a map in the dirt. I got to the right place; wonders never cease.

But I have a new aide- the van’s navigation system! I put in the intersection of where I needed to be and presto! I did what The Voice told me to do. At least it wasn’t a voice in my mind that only I could hear. And she was dead on. Several people commented that they would have chosen another route but I thought it fairly direct and easy.

I have a new friend.  She may get things a little off once in awhile but it sure beats being lost in a big city.

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