May 15, 2007

Mother’s Day (3 Comments)

Filed under: Life — The Spider Herself @ 3:03 pm

I had a lovely Mothers Day.


It is often one of those days that gets lost in the Chaos of May around here.  An attempt is made by my Loving Husband to recognize the Mother of his children (that’s me!) but it is usually a special hug and a prodding of the children to say “Happy Mothers Day!”.  Believe it or not, I am content with that.

This year, I got a lovely card from him, coffee brought to me in bed, a large bottle of Arbor Mist Peach Wine (only the fancy stuff around here!) AND a Blue Tooth headset.  So now I can get ripped and drunkenly talk on the Internet for free.  LOL!  If you believe that, we need to talk.  Also a lovely meal out at Taco Bell- we really know how to live it up.

Loving Husband came at me with a strange thing in his hand, I saw a blue light flashing and as he tried to put it over my ear; I exclaimed “Is it Blue Tooth?”  He was surprised that I knew what that was, so was I.  He hooked it up and got Boo Boo on the computer.  What fun!

We are getting so high tech with Fast Internet service and Blue Tooth.  But I still have to heat up my coffee on the stove.  The poor, dead rotting hulk of a microwave still lurking on the counter is a sad reminder of what was.

Caveat: We haven’t had time to go shopping for one yet.  The choices in town are very poor so we will have to travel out of town to get one.   I just like to sound pitiful.


  1. hhhmmmm…..might bring new meaning to the term “drunk dialing”! Drunk blue toothing?
    Oh pitiful one…sigh…woe…..hand to the forehead……shopping out of town, what a hardship! LOL!
    Does your Walmart not have a reasonable selection of Microwaves? We thought ours did and were awed and amazed that they carried such a brand as Panasonic. As I mentioned before, the first one died after just 4 years and now the “new” one has it’s plasticy stuff that covers the number pad all bubbling and coming off and both were/are Panasonic. Maybe that’s the problem……Walmart + Panasonic = Duds.
    Good idea to go out of town then!

    Comment by lostgirl — May 16, 2007 @ 8:52 am

  2. The Big Guy did go and check them out but didn’t find a very good selection. We have read up on Consumer Reports and are looking for their best buys. Neither are Panasonic. The last one was a Sharp and did well- Mom’s was a Sharp and lasted for 20+ years. The Best Buys are not Sharp either. There is one place in town that we haven’t checked yet that may have what we want.
    It’s a matter of finding the time. That precious commodity.

    Comment by justme — May 16, 2007 @ 9:01 am

  3. I’d like to ask which ones Consumer Reports recommends but I’m thinking it must be classified information and if you told me then you’d have to silence me……..hey, might not be a bad idea….LOL! I looked at the Consumer Reports website and of course found out that you have to subscribe in order to see usable information. Sigh!
    Well good luck with the microwave hunt and I hope you get one soon so you can stop reheating your coffee on the stove like a pioneer woman.

    Comment by lostgirl — May 16, 2007 @ 12:49 pm

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