April 18, 2007

Here and Shopping! (0 Comments)

Filed under: Life — The Spider Herself @ 6:06 am

I made it with very little hassle.  Praise the Lord!  A flight to Dalles-Fort Worth from Seattle never took off.  I was so glad to not be on that flight!

Sunday we hung out here in Boo Boo’s wonderful old house.  Took a walk around town and saw many beautiful older homes.  We went five miles and I was feeling it when we got home but was not sore or stiff the next day.  Which was good as that was the day we started SHOPPING!

I have a whole new “Foundation” now and more clothes then I would have thought I needed.  Although it’s practically a start from scratch endeavor.  I haven’t bought new clothes for me in….. I don’t remember when- at least 10 years (not counting maternity summer clothes when I was pregnant with KJ).

Tuesday we went shopping again.  I must admit a few wimpers escaped my lips but I pressed on.  We also got my hair cut and it looks good.  About 6:30 I had to admit that I was beyond making decisions and had to quit.  Time to eat anyway.

Then we stayed up late discussing old times and laughing.  It was wonderful.

I have to admit; when it comes to shopping Boo Boo is the Energizer Bunny.

I am the other brand.

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