April 11, 2007

Sleep, oh elusive sleep (4 Comments)

Filed under: Life — The Spider Herself @ 1:53 pm

I have always been a deep sleeper.  I remember being worried before I had kids (yes, I have a few memories of those days left in a brain rabidly forgetting everything) that I wouldn’t wake up when they needed me.  I needn’t have worried, mothering instincts took over and I hear every noise.

I woke up about midnight when a rustling sound came into the bedroom and I realized TG was coming through to go to the bathroom.  I’ll have to write about her and these wonderful events sometime.  I had to get up to help her, put her back in to bed and crashed again myself.  Apparently, about three KJ came through the bedroom, closed the bathroom door which made noise, turned on the light which shone through the not all the way closed door and used the facilities.  I heard none of this.   I would speculate that I knew she didn’t need me so my brain ignored her.  Or something noble like that.  But, unfortunately, she woke up The Big Guy.  Who then was unable to get back to sleep.  He got up about 4 and went out to sit in the big chair and read.  He had to close the blind, because even though we live WAY off the Lane at the end of our five acres, the neighbors yard light shines right into the house.  I heard the chair make noise and the light come on…. then a little KJ voice.  What was she doing up?  Then I heard the crib squeak and the door thump open and a little TG voice.   Then I heard the light go off so I knew they were cuddling on their Daddy’s lap and I went back to sleep.

Turns out the girls didn’t go back to sleep for an hour and every time Brett dozed off they would wiggle and wake him up.  At five with them nodding off, he put them back in their beds.  Then he got ready for work.  The girls slept in and are actually napping now.  Brett will be a tired puppy when he gets home.  Seems his workplace frowns on naps.   He may fall asleep while reading to the kids tonight and go to bed early.  Poor Dear.


  1. ZZZzzzz……

    Comment by col.panic — April 11, 2007 @ 3:17 pm

  2. 🙁 Poor Guy! If it’s any consolation, I awoke a little after 1:00 a.m. Couldn’t get back to sleep and so finally gave it up altogether around 2:30 a.m. Got up, started the coffee, did a few loads of laundry, got on the computer, read the newspapers, did the crosswords, did the dishes and fed the cats their wet food. Went back to bed around 8:30 and slept for a measely 2 hours.

    Comment by lostgirl — April 11, 2007 @ 5:10 pm

  3. OH that is is no fun! Were you getting up about the time Your Man was going to bed?
    Will he be home next week?
    I hope you get some rest tonight.
    My Big Guy is yawning through his reading to Hans.

    Comment by justme — April 11, 2007 @ 7:46 pm

  4. Funny you should ask…….he had just come to bed shortly before I gave up on sleeping and got up. LOL!
    Yes he will be here….YAY!
    Slept very well last night!
    Did TBG get some sleep last night?

    Oh, BTW, I posted on my blog.

    Comment by lostgirl — April 12, 2007 @ 6:55 am

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