March 12, 2007

Time Changes but Kid’s don’t (1 Comment)

Filed under: Life — The Spider Herself @ 7:38 am

What is it with the time change and kid’s internal clocks?

One would expect that kids that normally get up about 6:45 AM would sleep until 7:45 with day light savings time.  Especially, when they went to bed late- or was it the normal time?   But that would be false thinking because we are dealing with children and that mysterious internal clock that goes off anytime there is a threat of sleeping in.  Or of letting the parents sleep in.  They continue to get up at what the clock says is the “normal” time- as in 6:45.  Which by my not-yet-adjusted belly clock is 5:45.

Then the whining and crying starts because of sleep deprivation.  I know, an adult should have more self control.  Maybe the kids should send me to my room.


1 Comment »

  1. LOL! It’s the same with the cats believe it or not! In just a little over 3 weeks, you will be able to enjoy at least 7 days of sleeping in to your hearts content! 🙂 YAY!

    Comment by lostgirl — March 13, 2007 @ 4:35 am

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