July 8, 2008

Awake? (0 Comments)

Filed under: Life,TG — The Spider Herself @ 5:12 pm

Sunshine came into the bedroom as I lay with my eyes closed.

“Are you pretending to be awake?” she asked.

I contemplated the question- it seems an apt description of how I go through life- just pretending to be awake.

Yes, I replied.

” I thought so” she giggled.

July 4, 2008

Happy Independence Day! (1 Comment)

Filed under: Uncategorized — The Spider Herself @ 3:21 pm

Have a safe, fun, great Independence Day!

I am certainly thankful to live in a country with so many freedoms!

Also, let’s not forget the men and women who are fighting to keep our country free.

God Bless America!

Called Out and Coming Clean (2 Comments)

Filed under: Blog Stuff — The Spider Herself @ 11:19 am

It started out innocently enough- a few post titles in a row that started with the letter “C” and then the wayward thought of “I wonder how many I can come up with?” Watch out for wayward thoughts, they can be dangerous.

Then, after awhile, I wondered if anyone was noticing. No one commented, which is the only way that I know that you know, etc. This blog thing can be a communication tool, ya know, but in order for that to happen you have to leave a comment all you lurkers! I know you are out there.

The Col. finally noticed and then fed me a few “C” titles because I was getting stuck. I thought I’d end it at the end of June because of that. But with a few more ideas- plus some titles without post ideas to work with, on I went.

After a total of 23 posts with titles starting with “C” (this is #24) the charming, smart, funny (single) brother of mine called me out with this comment:

c, you’re cilling me with all those titles that start with C. Cwit already! :D

Whew! Now I can stop! Anyway, Eric gets a prize for being the first to comment about it. Although I have no prize to actually give. Maybe I’ll let him have my three kids for a weekend. Ha! No, that would be a prize for ME! I’ll have to think of something.

See? It pays to comment- then you too might win a non-existent prize!

July 3, 2008

Copious Cherry Crop (4 Comments)

Filed under: Yard and Garden — The Spider Herself @ 3:34 pm

The Boy brought in our copious cherry crop of three sour cherries the other day and loudly proclaimed that I needed to make a pie with them. Pretty meager pie, if you ask me. Pixie tried one and proclaimed that yes, it was a sour cherry!

The Sour Cherry tree is the only cherry tree with actual cherries on it. It’s so exciting! Not that there are really that many or that they are very large. But they are there!

Sour Cherry


Gives one hope for the future.

Note: I’ve now used the word “copious” in two posts! Aren’t you proud of me?

July 2, 2008

Canadian Climber (2 Comments)

Filed under: Yard and Garden — The Spider Herself @ 3:25 pm

Now that I have talked about how difficult it is to grow trees and other things here, I thought I would highlight something that seems to be thriving. These pictures were taken just a few hours before the storm came through.

Our Canadian Hardy Climber that we got from Heirloom Roses, who specialize in roses grown on their own root stock, is doing wonderfully. .

It’s past its prime here but you can see how tall it is! Unfortunately it lost most of these remaining petals in the wind.

It’s over the roof!

I found pictures from last year so you could see the beautiful flowers.

Canadian Climber Close up

Canadian Climber Closeup 2

It blooms copiously in the spring.

The other roses aren’t doing too bad, either. It seemed an extra hard winter on them but they seem to have shrugged it off. Although, the storm broke some branches, they should be fine. Here’s two:

The Graham Thomas:

Graham Thomas

The Chicago Peace:


They are pretty much safe from swathers so close to the house but the deer still like to eat on them, and obviously the wind can cause damage. We are extra careful with trimmers and mowers. The Murdered by Mower Rhubarb story is a post for another time.

July 1, 2008

Cataclysmic Consequences! (9 Comments)

Filed under: Yard and Garden — The Spider Herself @ 8:00 am

When one makes light of what a catastrophe is, then one leaves oneself open to reality.

Reality hit in a lightning, thunder and wind storm yesterday afternoon.

Fallen Tree

This tree is off the side of the house and provides a great amount of afternoon shade as well as being the “best” climbing tree. This is the tree that nurtured the baby robins earlier this spring.

Broken tree

It missed the house, dog house and the swing set; it covers the sand box. One branch broke lose and then the other came down.

Examining the Damage

Rose bush branches were bent over and broken. The poor purple-robed locust got it too.

Broken Locust

If it’s not poor soil, deer, gophers, pheasants, hot, cold, menacing mowers, and scathing swathers- it’s the wind out to get us. No wonder there aren’t that many trees around here.

It breaks our hearts.